
Welcome! I am a quantitative social scientist interested in using sophisticated game theory and empirical methods to improve public policy and human welfare. Starting this fall, I will be an Assistant Instructional Professor in Social Sciences at the University of Chicago.

Previously I was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Quantitative Theory and Methods Department at Emory University where I taught classes on data analysis, programming in R, and game theory.  Before that I was a Postdoctoral Associate at Bocconi University and a  Postdoctoral Associate at the Wallis Institute of Political Economy at the University of Rochester. I received my PhD in Public Policy at The Harris School of Public Policy at The University of Chicago.

My research focused on the intersection of politics, political economy, and formal modeling with a specific focus on the political economy of institutions and organizations. I use game theory and causal inference techniques to analyze how and why institutions shape the decisions of strategic political actors.

My research has been published  in leading journals such as the Journal of Politics,  Journal of Public Economics, Political Science Research and Methods, and the Journal of Theoretical Politics.


Academic CV